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are published under The Poems in Faithfulness to the Divine series to include- Anthems in the Glorious Dawn, In Enchantment of Eternity, Tones of the Stellar, A Splendid Awakening and The Melody of Light

Soul searching poems that nourish and provide great insights for spiritual well-being and wholeness
Tones of the Stellar

ISBN-13-9780990020325 (182 pages)   $7.95


Perhaps you are one of the millions who have taken a look at the world and have been alarmed  by the wickedness that seems to plague mankind. So much greed, torment, and anger surrounds us, and at times it feels as if there were no cure, no remedy to save us from an inevitable, irreversible descent into darkness. But be rest assured, there is a cure that will help you rise above the troubles of this world and free your spirit from toxic darkness. With faith borne of patience and heartfelt desire, you can be ushered into the warm, glowing light of Christ's grace and love to achieve the spiritual enlightenment needed for victorious living.


Tones of the Stellar is an incredibly compelling collection of eighty-eight original poems that addresses both spiritual and worldly experiences, Tones of the Stellar sets many things straight about the journey of faith that mankind must take. It provides invaluable insight into the modern age of spiritual awareness. With simple words that paint vivid pictures and highlight deep unchanging truths, it shows how the power of enlightenment can save us from the wickedness of mankind and deliver us from evil that would otherwise consume us.


Rich with powerful imagery, clever metaphors, and other thought-provoking poetic devices, the poems in Tones of the Stellar flow together seamlessly to tell a story that will help change your view of the present world and help your understanding of the afterworld that awaits us on the other side of our earthly existence. Anyone of faith who loves poetry will be thoroughly captivated by these thoughtful, intelligent verses, many of which have an underlying rhythm that allows them to be sung as well as spoken.The topics addressed in the collection are wide-ranging, but the common threads that tie each piece together will slowly but surely become evident to perceptive readers. Enlightening ideas expressed include the belief that there is a passageway of light to the divine, the better in life is forged through challenges, the golden in life is found within the mountain of faith, a glorious life within a divine template awaits the reborn in spirit, and others in such light.


Tones of the Stellar is the third volume in author/poet Kalu Onwuka’s Poems of Faithfulness to the Divine series. Though it need not be read in sequence with the other books and has the strength to stand alone, reading the other volumes will enrich the lessons learned in this installment and will help you better comprehend other facets of your spiritual journey. Onwuka’s poems are sure to appeal to anyone of faith who loves poetry, and they are sure to help readers cultivate their own spiritual transformation for the better. So, in those moments when life seems a little ugly, or when you hunger for something full of honesty and promise, rest assured that in these pages you will discover many treasures.


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