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Excerpts of Etchings for the Heart



“….The feast of light that sustains the faithful is wisdom and knowledge of the mysteries. It is by such that the faithful afford the key to access divine power. All who have a place at the divine dining table are given to partake in conversations in heavenly places.  All who partake in this wise are members of the living church of Christ. These are to be found among all peoples of the earth and have power from God that flows from above through them. It takes such power to lead others into true light as well as heal those willing to receive in good faith….”


“….Strong faith is wrought through trials by the upright in spirit that fears God. It is faith wrought through the cross as the crucible that breeds immortal souls. It is the faith of those who through no fault of their own endure much suffering and pain at the hands of the worldly on account of their love of Truth. It is faith wrought by suffering for goodness sake in the light of Christ so that mankind the product of the base dust of the earth can be purified into the golden of Heaven. The golden realized is eternal and far outweighs the glory of the earthly left behind….”


“….The scriptures cease to be just words when the faithful become privy to the hidden truths. Only then do the words coalesce into pictures that show up repeatedly. The colors and shades within the pictures may differ but the contents remain the same. It is God using certain people in certain ways to highlight and contrast the two ways of life on earth. One is the way of Christ which leads to life and the other is the way of the world that leads to death. The characters may differ but the underlying truth and outcome remain the same. The encompassing message is that man does not stand a chance against evil by himself. He needs divine intervention to help him….”


“….The flesh is the great inhibitor of man’s spirit but he needs it for the time of his brief existence on earth. The flesh always wars against the spirit to make man susceptible to the corruption in the world. The ego is the Achilles heel of man in the warfare between his spirit and flesh. Man’s ego is really nothing but a misconceived notion of his self-importance. If the truth is to be told, mankind flesh is of little consequence in the overall scheme of things. He is barely here today and gone tomorrow so to speak. The redeemable entity in mankind is his spirit if such can be duly awakened and transformed into new life in Christ….”


“….Truth is the transformer that conditions the power of God to make it effective for doing all kinds of good work. It takes Truth to nullify the attempts of the enemy to stop the spiritual growth and earthly endeavors of the seeker after Christ. Truth prevents and minimizes the damage that the prince of the darkness of this world can inflict on the believer. The believer that has embraced Truth to let it govern his earthly affairs already lives in Godliness. Such a believer who lives his life in the spirit of Truth will always find God to be at hand for him….”


“….Every one that lives effacingly in selfless sacrifice so that others can glimpse the better light of the divine way will always be guided in true light. He that is so guided will be given to see himself as the captain of a boat in a world filled with the blind and helpless. He will assume it to be a sacred duty to help as many as he can navigate through life’s stormy seas to safety. To fulfill such a sacred duty demands a lot of sacrifices along the way in a selfless spirit that places others first before self. The selfless rejects all that is contentious but often rather chooses to make do with little as the case may be….”


“….As the spirit within yields to the divine sovereign will, the future travelled to will reflect the heavenly abode. Conversely as the spirit within man disobeys the divine will, the future travelled to will reflect the antithesis of Heaven. The spirit that yields to the Divine moves forward in time to a brighter future but the spirit that disobeys moves backwards in time to mankind’s darker past. The spirit of Christ moves the faithful forward into a more humane future but the spirit of the enemy moves the faithless backwards in time to a beastly past. The spirit of Christ affords the faithful the knowledge to bring new things out of the old. To the contrary, the prince of the darkness of the world avails the faithless the knowledge to take new things back to the old….”


“….The whole of creation joins in when there is genuine praise being rendered to the Creator. Thankfulness to God helps to reassure the heart and keep the noise of the world away so that the spirit within can acquiesce for the inaudible to be clearly heard. Thankfulness to God keeps the ear of the heart well-tuned so that the believer is able to hear as creation sings God’s praise to join along. The melodious harmony of all things in the universe comes through clearly to the thankful heart so that he knows that he is not alone but part of a whole….”


“….Mortal man is under the earthly clock as well as the cosmic clock. The earthly clock is there to remind mankind that he has only limited time to search out the way and re-connect with his divine roots. He must do so within an allotted time while he is alive on earth before time runs out for him. He who finds the way in timely order has escaped both the ravages and constraints of earthly time for he is given to live in spirit in cosmic time. He will come to live under the cosmic clock which runs interminably even as the universe itself does. He has gone from being an earthling to become a universal being….”


“….The power of God works mightily where there is certainty of faith to effect transformative changes in many areas of life. It makes the best to come out of the worst of men. It makes the cowardly of heart to become brave. It confers wisdom on him considered to be foolish by the world. It changes the anger prone into a man of peace for it tames the beast in man. It turns the man of many weaknesses into the virtuous and valiant. The believer of many foibles who becomes certain in faith in the light of Christ will earn God’s trust to have his prayers readily answered for he has become a courier of life to where death stalks….”


“….The hidden truths are words of knowledge and insight needed to address every situation encountered in life so that the best outcome can result. Such are words used to turn lemons into lemonade or better yet water into wine. He that is able to receive such knowledge has received the means to overcome and be victorious in life. He will have the words to reach men’s hearts and pierce even the hardened ones. It takes such to induce the man with the hardened exterior to yield and allow the good within to show forth. He that can be used in this way is one divinely equipped to uplift those flattened by life’s troubles and help reshape them into vessels worthy of use by God….”


“….The key of knowledge and true understanding is never given to the profane for such will abuse it. It is for the righteous before God who live not for self but in love for all. The key of knowledge unlocks the secrets of the kingdom and creation itself. It unlocks the secret of the plain and unassuming manna that sustains the weary traveler through adversity. It unlocks the secret of Aaron’s rod that has an everlasting covenant with life. It affords the key to the possessor to untie many of life’s problems that bedevil humanity. However he that is entrusted with the key must think kingly thoughts and take princely steps in his earthly journey for he is judged by a higher standard….”



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