Excerpts of No Hurry to Horeb
“….It is a game changer in life when man learns to say no to the crowd and yes to the word of Truth. This is a major milestone in spiritual transformation and represents the turnaround point where the spread of darkness is halted. As such, it represents the turning point where the works of darkness begins to be counter-acted and the curse of Eden lifted. It is from this turning point that man can begin to journey towards Eden where he can commune with God as it once was. It is from this point when he has learned to say no to the world and yes to Truth that mankind can continue his upward climb on the mountain of faith….”
“….Every man has the natural impulse to do what is right in his own eyes. Furthermore, mankind is reluctant to act unless it serves his self interest in some way or another. That is the core of humanity’s problems for one man’s perceived act of goodness is often seen by another as misguided. He that is hailed for an act of goodness today can be denounced tomorrow for the same act. The truth of the matter is that natural man cannot trust himself nor can he be trusted by others. He is a conformist easily carried about by any wind and will follow as the rest goes….”
“….The words of scriptures are not all understood in one helping. They are progressively revealed over the passage of time as the believer faithfully seeks for better understanding. There are some truths that can never be understood until the season divinely appointed for them dawns. Such are like seeds that require soaking in a good amount of water before they can germinate. There is a morning appointed for each hidden truth and that day must dawn before its fullness can be duly understood….“
“….In the absence of cloudiness comes clarity so that all things can be seen clearly, known for what they are and where they should belong. There is no confusion as to which things are good or bad when the light of Christ governs life’s choices. The faithful know that the good belong in the treasure chest of the near and dear while the bad on the other hand should be relegated to the dust bin of the distant and useless. When orderliness returns in life, his focus is sharpened so that mankind is no longer carried about by the opinion of others….”
“….The promptings and information received through the Holy Ghost by the faithful is like memos from God’s heavenly throne to those tuned to receive. Such memos when received by the faithful must be acted on as the work of faith often misunderstood and much argued about. Heavenly memos serve to prompt the believer to activate and put his faith into action. Each memo received is a command that must be obeyed even though it may not seem like the right course of action to take. The imperceptible person may deride and decry such memos but they often turn out to be the way by which God uses the faithful to do the amazing to behold. It is by such that the impossible become possible for the obedient….”
“….The journey of spiritual transformation is fascinating but it is simply a tale of rebirth from darkness into light. Its different stages of spiritual transformation can be gleaned from writings of the Apostle Paul as laid out from the book of the Galatian through to the Thessalonians. At the onset of spiritual transformation or stage of the Galatian, the new way of life beckons the seeker after Christ but the ways of his old life still has a strong hold on him. As he endures, the new begins to take hold even as the old ways keep trying to pull him back. It is the song of the sirens that sink many a mariner on the sea of life. He that escapes the siren songs of his old life can then grow to where the ways of the new take deeper roots and the old is uprooted….”
“….The dry and thirsty place where the soul is famished is often times the result of partial understanding and misguided love. Such is the case when mankind presumes to know more than he does or claims to be what he is not. Understanding in part rears the spiritual child into dwarfism and to unfulfilled hope. The spiritual dwarf will become blind to the true reality and possibilities of the kingdom of God. Consequently, he who should have become a man remains a child due to lack of better understanding….”
“….The hearts that are close enough to God will always beat in harmony with the rhythm of Christ. Such hearts that beat together evoke the spirit of universal brotherhood which is so elusive in the world today. But universal brotherhood is the motivation and main stay of the kingdom of God. The hearts that beat together function as transmitter-receivers that are broadcasting to each other and to others as well. They send and receive messages to and from others joined in this network of greater love wherein Christ governs all. Though unseen, the connection and information shared therein is nevertheless real much like today’s world of wireless communication where humans are immersed in a flood of data that only the suitably equipped can receive….”
“….Only the fully matured in Christ can capture the lightning of veiled Truth in a bottle and not be torn apart. They that can receive such are special vessels prepared for the works of glory by the heavenly Father. They are vessels of honor set aside and meet for the Master to use in accomplishing his purposes on earth. Each such vessel is appointed to endure much tribulation on account of devotion to Christ and love for God. However it is by such tribulation that they come to afford the patience, spiritual fortitude, peace, and hope that make all things possible in Christ….”
“….The confluence of the heavenly and earthly is the realm of greater divine illumination. It is in this realm that the harmony of the scriptures can be fully understood and the infallibility of God’s truth clearly ascertained. This is the realm where Hope speaks in the still small voice that can be heard and clearly understood within the spirit. It is in this realm that the Truth declared within the words of scripture and the experiences of daily life perfectly agree to confirm the reality of the Divine….”
“….The truth is that the earth is constantly being recycled by the non-wasting heavenly Father who searches everything so that nothing redeemable and salvageable is ever lost. Sooner or later a point of no return is reached when all the recyclables have been redeemed and the collectibles salvaged with nothing left but garbage. At that point of zero return with nothing of value left, the garbage is burnt so that a pristine landscape can emerge. The regeneration of the earth in the order of Heaven begins with the ‘collectibles’ who have passed through the door of Christ as the founding seedlings. The garbage that will be burnt is that which did not pass judgment and is of no use in the new age where Christ will reign….”
“….In an ironic twist, the only way for mankind to satisfy his hunger for the glory of the world is for his old self with its ego to be buried in dust. In order to escape from the tentacles that bind him to earth, man must bury his old nature in the dirt of the earth so that it may have its fill of dust. Man’s worst enemy is his ego but his best friend is the little spark of the divine that God has left in every man. Unless his ego is buried in the dirt of the earth, the best in man cannot be free to come forth….”